The Unposed (EoAT) Launch + conversation with Michala Paludan and Travis Diehl December 18, 2024 6–8PM at Printed Matter. Join us at Printed Matter (231 11th Avenue) for a book launch on occasion of the release of Michala Paludan’s The Unposed (EoAT), published by Disko Bay. Paludan will be joined in conversation by writer and critic Travis Diehl. Link to the event here and the book can be ordered from Printed Matter here .
There has been a lot of great press for my book The Unposed (EoAT). This review in Politiken, and in here in The Eye of Photography and a lovely write up by Blake Andrews here. The book is available for purchase at the Disko Bay website here.
On December 6, the exhibition Setting the Tone of the Exhibition – the anatomy of exhibition openings premiers at Malmö Konstmuseum 6-8 PM. The exhibition is created in collaboration with curator Jacob Fabricius and is part of his postdoctoral project at Aarhus University. The exhibition is a collaboration with Lilith Performance Studio, Malmö. Participating artists: Ola Billgren, Christian Boltanski, Annika Eriksson, Oscar Eriksson Furunes, Andrea Fraser, Jules Fischer, Ryan Gander, Eva Grubinger, Henriette Heise, Jakob Jakobsen, Testumi Kudo, Lap-See Lam, Louise Lawler, Shuang Li, LILITH, Lucky 3, Reba Maybury, Claudia Martinez Garay, Carsten Nicolai, Gerhard Nordström, Henrik Olesen, Ovartaci, Michala Paludan, Adrian Piper, Vandy Rattana, Ann-Sofi Sidén, Sung Tieu, & Magnus Wallin. Read more here.
I will be signing copies of my newly released book The Unposed (EoAT) at Polycopies in Paris Friday November 8th 12-2 pm at the Disko Bay Books table C27. Come say hi!
Art Hub Copenhagen is very happy to invite you to the celebration and book release of Michala Paludan’s first book The Unposed (EoAT) published by Disko Bay. Wednesday Oct. 23rd 7.30-9.30 pm at Art Hub Copenhagen, Halmtorvet 27, 1700 Cph. V.
The Unposed (EoAT) is the first monograph by Danish artist Michala Paludan, it consists of 101 photos of robot “hands”. From 2021-24 Paludan visited many different sites of robotics located in Germany, Denmark, Japan, Korea, and the United States. From digital paws to laser sensors, piano-playing electro-fingers to a not-so-dexterous clamp, this book shows the human hand versioned as high-tech utensil: holders, pinchers, grabbers, supporters, strokers and cutters whose likenesses to the real thing vary according to particularity of their functions. In the robotics industry, the acronym EoAT refers to End of Arm Tools; that is, a tool required for performing a specific task such as holding, cutting or lifting. As the subject of a portrait, the machine – rather than what it produces – is the focus and, in mirroring the hands of human workers, Paludan emphasizes their absence. The book includes new texts by Ryan S. Jeffery, Lars Bang Larsen and Lakshmi Luthra.
I am your Body: Chapter 1 – Automation 05.10.2024–12.01.2025
I am your Body is a new exhibition series of which the first two chapters will initially take place at Kunsthal Aarhus in 2024. Chapter 1 – Automation deals with future, robot, bodies and work presenting an entirely new commission by Michala Paludan (DK).
I am your Body: Chapter 1 – Automation is a solo show by Michala Paludan. In the exhibition, Paludan shows newly commissioned installation with sound, video and objects alongside her emblematic photo series, The Unposed (EoAT). Here, photographic portraits of robot hands are presented without further information, and the viewer is asked to assemble meaning and context. In the robotics industry, the acronym EoAT refers to End of Arm Tools; that is, a tool required for performing a specific task such as holding, cutting, lifting, hammering, stroking, etc. As the subject of a portrait, the machine – rather than what it produces – is the focus and, in mirroring the hands of human workers, Paludan emphasizes their absence.
The exhibition is open 05.10.2024–12.01.2025 and you can read more here.
Milky Ways- the Cow in Art and Culture opens at Nivaagaard 29 June – 22 September 2024. Exploring the cow’s significance in the narratives about Denmark as an agricultural nation and about Danish identity, this new exhibition reflects the museum’s enduring interest in the relationship between outside and inside, art and nature. Here, contemporary works by artists such as Allan Otte, Lea Porsager, Torben Ribe, Magnus Andersen, Mia Edelgart, Michala Paludan and Kåre Frang directly engages with 500 years of art from The Nivaagaard Collection, letting the cow become a prism for themes such as gender, climate, consumer behaviour and identity. Read more here.
I am very honored and grateful to have received a travel grant from Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation in support of my trip to Japan.
Art Hub Copenhagen supports and develops the field of practice-based research in Danish and international contexts, and this summer we launched the first three ‘micro institutes’. A micro institute is a new and unique format, and an alternative to academic programs in practice-based research. It comprises a one- or two-year research grant for an artist, curator, or writer, enabling them to develop their practice through a focus on process and collaboration. The three current programs are rooted in significant and socially relevant themes: feminist cybersecurity, the collective telling of history, and the material and human implications of artificial intelligence. For the first three micro institutes, we selected the artists Ann Sophie von Bülow and Michala Paludan, and the project Ghost Agency by Anni Garza Lau and Gro Sarauw. Michala Paludan’s project is an investigation of the implications of automation: how the seemingly endless demand to mechanize work – using AI, for example – shapes our social world, our working life, and our notions of the future. Read more here.
”Fill in with your own imagination”, står der øverst på tavlen – en parafrase over Arthur Køpckes værk fill: with own imagination fra 1964. Tre dage i juli 2023 låner Bjørn Nørgaard de inciterende ord og lader dem indramme en række samtaler, som han indbyder til hos Kunsthal 44Møen – for at give en forsmag på de tværdisciplinære diskussioner, han drømmer om at fremme med Containerakademiet i Københavns Nordhavn. I tre samtaler på Kunsthal 44Møen inviterer Bjørn Nørgaard én kunstner og én videnskabsperson til at mødes ved tavlen med et stykke kridt. Her bedes de dele deres respektive praksisser med hinanden og diskutere de to erkendelsesformer, som de hver især repræsenterer: den evidensbaserede og den spekulative.
Lørdag den 8. juli kl. 13.00-14.00. Billedkunstner Michala Paludan & professor og forsker i klimaforandringer ved Niels Bohr Instituttet, Peter Ditlevsen. Bjørn Nørgaard er moderator.
Samtalen foregår på dansk.”Containerakademiet på Kunsthal 44Møen” er en del af kunsthallens aktuelle, internationale udstilling Intermezzo, kurateret af René Block. Læs mere om den her:
Louise Steiwer has written a insightful review in Kunstkritikk of Soft Town Strip Hall at Vermillion Sands, read it here.
Soft Town Strip Hall is group exhibition taking place in a large, soon-to-be-renovated building on Copenhagen’s Town Square – Rådhuspladsen. An off-site project of Vermillion Sands it continues an ongoing investigation into the role of the artist and the art space in neighbourhood change while situated within broader discussions around place, capitalism and identity. Exhibiting artists; Julie Riis Andersen, Margarita Del Carmen, Mia Edelgart, Sebastian Hedevang & SOLW, Adam Gallagher, Lucille Groos, Asta Lynge, Michala Paludan, Cecilie Skov, Marco Spörle and Gianna Surangkanjanajai. The exhibition is open 03.03.2023 – 19.03.2023 at Rådhuspladsen 2.
I am very honored to have received a travel grant from Beckett-Fonden.
I have been invited to give an artist talk at Foto Studio January 19th at 5 pm about my practice and especially my relationship to photography. Sign up and read the details here.
I am in residence at 18th st Arts Center in Santa Monica January-May, read more here.
I am very honored to have received an honorary grant from Den Hielmstierne-Rosencroneske Stiftelse.
I am showing an excerpt from the Unposed (EoAT) in the group show Fod i Hose – Hånd i Handske at Æglageret in Holbæk. The show is curated by Anne Fabricius Møller and opens Saturday the 19th 1-3 pm.
My solo exhibition Open Shut Them opens Thursday Oct. 6th 4-9 pm at C.C.C. Gallery. Ryan S. Jeffery has written a text for the exhibition titled Counting Hands: an incomplete account of working images, that’s available in the show and for download here.
Newspaper Reading Club, Istanbul 2013 is part of the Laurel Doody Library Supply 2021. Made in collaboration with Fiona Connor for the 13th Istanbul Biennial.
My piece Life Without (2018) is part of the exhibition Københavnerstykker at Nikolaj Kunsthal, June 2 – July 31 2022.
The exhibition “Det hele er enkelt og smukt og du er min ven” is now open at Institut Funder Bakke in Funder and Huset for Kunst og Design in Holstebro. I’m showing the piece No Future (photos for toddlers) alongside works by Mia Edelgart, Sebastian Hedevang, Spaghetti Clurb, Tiddy, Violeta Parra and Bamse. The exhibition is open until March 13th.
Katie McDougall wrote a thoughtful review of the exhibition M/other for Idoart, read it here.
Art Hub Copenhagen asked me to write about No Future (photos for toddlers) and art and children in general for their monthly newsletter. A pdf of the text is available here .
Please join us for a special edition of Free Lunch on Tuesday, 26 October, at 12:00pm to meet the artist Michala Paludan. The lunch will take place in the exhibition “Everything is Simple and Beautiful, and You are My Friend” at Thoravej 29, 2400 Copenhagen NV. During the Free Lunch we’ll have a conversation about Paludans new work “No Future (photos for toddlers)” currently exhibited in the exhibition at Thoravej 29. We may touch upon subjects such as what toddlers want? Børnenes Billedbog, Albert Renger-Patzsch and what a future that is not predicated on the figure of a child would look like.Also joining the conversation: Bennye Düranc Austring, Consultant, Project Manager and Researcher at Center for Social Education, Roskilde and a dedicated granddad, and Johanne Løgstrup, curator, educator and writer. If interested in this Free Lunch, please RSVP to no later than Friday, 22 October 12 pm. A limited number of seats are available. The conversation will be in Danish, a vegetarian meal is served.
Nanna Friis has written nicely about No Future (photos for toddlers) in her review of Thoravej 29 in Kunstkritikk. Read here.
The exhibition M/other opens October 1 st 5-8 pm at Center for Kunst og Mental Sundhed, Hans Bogbinders Alle 3, 2 tv. M/other is a collaboration between Laboratoriet for Æstetik og Økologi and Center for Kunst og Mental Sundhed. The exhibition is curated by Ida Bencke and Laura Gerdes-Miranda i collaboration with Rasmus Brink Pedersen. The exhibition shows new works by Signe Johannessen, Mary Maggic, Eva Tind, Maya Sialuk Jacobsen, Nanna Lysholt Hansen, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Bobbi-Johanne Østervang, Mia Edelgart, Michala Paludan, Tabita Rezaire, Marie Kølbæk Iversen & Katinka Fogh Vindelev, Loup Rivière, Nazila Ghavami Kivi, Sophia Luna Portra, Elisabeth Kiss, Astrida Neimanis, Mette Clausen, Anna Rieder & Sidsel Welden & Olivia Lund mfl. The exhibition runs 1/10-1/11 2021.
Art Hub invites to the opening of the exhibition Thoravej 29 Friday, September 17 17-20 pm. I am showing a new work as part of “Everything is simple and beautiful and you are my friend” an exhibition for children curated by Institut Funder Bakke. Alongside: Bamses Billedbog, Tiddy, Mia Edelgart / Sebastian Hedevang, Paul McCarthy and Spaghetti Clurb. presents the exhibition Milieu at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art with the artists Emilie Bausager, Jean-Marc Routier and Michala Paludan. Opening June 25th, the exhibition runs June 26 – September 19, 2021. For this exhibition, has radically rethought its format and created a thoroughly staged exhibition as a framework for the exhibiting artists’ works. The exhibition is the first in the Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art’s new exhibition program Dacapo.
UKK has appointed me to Rådet for Visuel Kunst, Københavns Kommune.
I am deeply honored to have been awarded an honorary grant from Niels Wessel Bagges Kunstfond alongside Marie Lund, Magnus Frederik Clausen, Mia Isabel Edelgart, Helene Nymann, Rosa Marie Frang, Nermin Durakovic, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Elisabeth Molin, Karin Lind, Sophia Kalkau and Maria Wæhrens.
In conjunction with our exhibition Soft Layers, Kristina Bengtsson and I will be holding group reading sessions on three occasions during the run of the exhibition. During these sessions we will examine three key points in the historical development of photography and jointly discuss various positions and movements within this. Each session will be led by Bengtsson and I who will make use of the works in the exhibition as references and anchors for the discussion. Each session will take approximately two hours including a break. Throughout the exhibition period the texts will be available to read at Galleri Format and after each session notes from the group readings will be added to the texts. The third and final of these reading groups will take place at Galleri Format on Thursday 22 October at 6 pm.
The duo exhibition Soft Layers together with Kristina Bengtsson is open at Galleri Format in Malmö 24.9 –8.11 2020 .
I’m taking part in the exhibition The Days Are Just Packed at The Pool in Heybeliada – Istanbul, curated by Ece Cangüden and Marian Luft.
Please join us in the upcoming reading group, as part of the Berman Board project at the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena. The project is on view until January 12th and includes works by artists Fiona Connor, Neil Doshi, Michala Paludan, and Gala Porras-Kim, and is curated by Suzy Halajian. The Berman Board Object Reading Group, organized by Michala Paludan will be held from Sunday to Wednesday (4 meetings), December 8-11, 6-9pm at the Armory. All events are free and everyone is welcome to join with no advance sign-up. The group will read a selection of texts on the subject of collecting and restitution, with ten of the eleven objects on hand as a case study for concrete discussion. Among other things, participants will consider extracts from the 2018 Restitution Report, theoretical texts, and poetry. Each of the four sessions will be centered around a 1 1/2 hour-long close reading followed by conversation. Paludan will facilitate the sessions and board members and project curator will join when available.
Today is the opening of Berman Board, a group exhibition and research project with Fiona Connor, Neil Doshi, Gala Porras-Kim and myself that is curated by Suzy Halajian. The exhibition is on view at the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena (CA) October 6, 2019, through January 12, 2020.
I am in residence at Skaftfell Center for Visual Art in Seyðisfjörður (Iceland) all of October and November.
New Roles of the Artist a symposium that I’ve co-organized with Line Ellegaard will take place at Kunsthal Aarhus November 29th 12.30-6 pm. There will be talks by Angela Dimitrakaki, Nora Khan, Jesse Darling and Patricia Reed and it will be moderated by Lotte Løvholm. New Roles of the Artist is the first in a series of 3 symposiums titled Mourning Money organized by UKK – Organization for Artists and Curators. The aim is to investigate questions around art and finance, as they relate to the role of the artist, the circulation of work and novel organizational forms in the field of art. All 3 events will be free. Read more here.
Nice review of Motherload in Kunstkritikk “Dybt inde i Moder Natur”, you can read it here .
The exhibition Motherload opens at Skovsnogen September 8th. Motherload is an exhibition around themes of motherhood curated by Anna Margrethe Pedersen & Ditte Soria with works by Sara Deraedt (BE), Hannah Heilmann (DK), Kristine Kemp (DK), Mathias Kryger (DK), Jonathan Meese (DE), Rasmus Myrup (DK), Saskia te Nicklin (AU), New Noveta (UK),
Michala Paludan (DK), Anna Margrethe Pedersen (DK), Rasmus Røhling (DK), Emma Sheridan (UK), Ditte Soria (DK) and Lewis Teague Wright (UK). Part of the project is a book that will be launched the same day. I’m contributing to the book with a transcribed conversation between Hannah Heilmann, Pernille Zidore and myself. Read more here .
I’m honored to have been awarded a travel grant from Dir. J.P. Lund og Hustru Vilhelmine født Bugge’s Legat.
Lisbeth Bonde recommends Life Without on the site, read it here.
I’m excited for 3 upcoming events that take place at Primer as part of Life Without. May 14th Ida Bencke from Laboratory of Aesthetics and Ecology will do a presentation of the research- and exhibition M/others and Future Humans, and a discussion with myself on m/otherhood in an expanded, multispecies and technoscientific field. May 16th we’ll be screening two films by Ryan S. Jeffery. June 2nd Pernille Zidore, Hannah Heilmann and myself will discuss reproductive time, repetition and interruption.
Louise Steiwer wrote a thoughtful review of Life Without on Kunstkritikk, read it here.
A nice write-up of Life Without by Office Magazine here.
The New York Times on Primer, Life Without and the Danish art scene, here .
My exhibition Life Without opens at Primer Friday the 9th of March 3-8 pm. I’m showing a new body of work alongside the work of Susanne Ussing & Carsten Hoff and Artist Placement Group. Read more here.
I’m very excited that my publication Lanx Satura is part of Laurel Doody Library Supply, check out all the great publications here: .
I’m taking part in the exhibition and event “Drag Kings, Phantoms, Mirrors, Hands (one hundred years of dis/appearances)” organized by Suza Husse at Sixtyeight Art Institute.The Exhibition opens Friday the 24th of November 18-21, and I will be presenting excerpts from Cyklus on Saturday the 25th of November from 14-16. See more information here.
It is now possible to book tickets for CUT THE GAP, a symposium and SMK Fridays that I have co-organized together with Anne Mette Schultz, Lea Porsager and Malene Dam. It takes place at SMK on November 17th. Book tickets here.
Currently in residence at Statens Værksteder for Kunst .
Great reviews of I Taste the Future – LIAF 2017 on Art Agenda and Kunstkritikk .
I’m excited to be showing my new piece Midnight Safari at LIAF 2017. The show is called I Taste the Future and is curated by Milena Høegsberg and Heidi Ballet and is up all September. See more here.
Artist list for LIAF 2017 announced .
Newspaper Reading Club is taking part in KCHUNGs residency at The Getty Center as part of the exhibition Breaking News: Turning the Lens on Mass Media, listen here
Excited to be part of the latest issue of the Distance Plan available for download here
I’m showing the work Ker Ker Ker at Porcino, curated by David Horvitz
Hour Projects did a reading of Kalliope, Kleio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thaleia and Urania at Glasgow International